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Make it a date, you don't want to miss this race!
Race Description:
This is a 14-mile and 8-mile one-day canoe and kayak race on the historic Headwaters of the Wisconsin River. Paddling in "The Callie" as it's known gets you on the most spectacular section of the Headwaters, something not to be missed. The Callie Rohr Memorial Canoe Race consists of three different races. "The Callie", has thirteen different race classes and 14 mile and 8 mile races. Check the race form for classes and prices. Racers race fourteen miles or eight miles with trophies given to the winners in each class at the Pig Roast starting at 5:00 PM back at RWT.
"Paddle for a Cure", those who don't want to race but want to participate - here's your spot. Also media personalities race each other on this short one and half mile course for the titles of "Fastest TV Station and Fastest DJ on the Water". This class is also open to everyone who wants to support the cause and individuals, businesses, government offices or whoever are encouraged to challange each other and are welcome. Come support this worthwhile cause by having a blast,
help make everyone aware of this devastating disease and join our battle to find a cure for Pediatric Brain Cancer!.
This beautiful,fast and wild stream,with lots of challenging turns and obstacles, makes for an exciting and challenging race. This is the most spectacular part of the river and you don't want to miss an opportunity to paddle it. All paddlers will start at the RWT boat landing and paddle to different take out points.
Spectators are welcome and encourged. There is a lot to see and do on race day. The day starts with a gourmet breakfast of eggs, sausage, crepes, toast, orange juice and coffee seved at 8:00 AM by the Conover Lions Club, followed by the exciting start of "The Callie" at 10:00 AM. Spectators can then move to the Rummels Rd bridge, Heartlake Landing and County K bridge to see the racers fly down the river and finally to River Road, where "The Callie" will end. Lunch will be served at RWT at 12:00 PM and at River Road. Spectators can enjoy beverages, and all the amenities that Rohr's Wilderness Tours has. We have a great hiking trail, horseshoe pits and get a came of volley ball going! At 3:00 PM the "Paddle for A Cure" racers will start. This race shouldn't be missed as the media personailties attempt to take off. This can be very entertaining! Once they all manage to get started then the excitment shifts to Rummels Road where we will see who wins but more importantly who makes the one and half mile race. After cooking many hours the magnificant pig, donated from Illinois, will be served at 5:00 PM. An exciting live auction and some music will follow dinner. Beverages will be served all afternoon and through the evening at reasonable prices. Don't miss the great deals and excitment the evening will bring!
2023 again saw a small crowd, but for the first time we had international paddlers participate. We also for the first time auctioned every item we had donated. When you put together all the enthusiasm, dedication, community and just plain love for what we do - we get to write checks totaling $16,000.00!
2022 saw a small crowd for the race, but gigantic enthusiasm! We sold more raffle tickets this year, and took in more donations. Put it all together and we were able to write checks for a total of $14,000.00! We are already starting on 2023, so get ready to "Paddle for a Cure!"
2021 brought race day back, although in August instead of June. We had a small crowd, but we finished strong. In 2021 we were able to donate a total of $14,700.00! That's pretty amazing for a group our size. We've always said, "Alone, there is only so much you can do, but together, we can move a mountain!" Well 2021 proved that. Only 1 other year did we donate more, awesome job everyone! Now we're on to 2022, let's see what we can do now!
2020 meant no race and little fund raising, but we're back and coming back strong. We're looking forward to being with everyone and once again "Paddling for a Cure" and having lots of fun!
We did well in 2019, it turned out to be a fabulous day with lots of fun, racers, boats, good food and great friends. The Conover Lions Club once again put
together a wonderful breakfast to start our race day. At 10:00 AM sharp the whistle blew and race heats were underway. Lots of cheering from the crowd waiting to go
and we were off. Lunch was served at the take-out. Then it was back to RWT to get ready for the evening festivities. We kicked the evening off with a slide show
of the pictures that had been taken that day by Tim Scott. Then Jeff Rohr played from his series of CDs for the crowd until it was time for dinner. At 5:00 PM Pig
Roast Dinner was served and completed with cake from Eagle Baking. Then it was on to the fun; a live auction, with auctioneer Jim Franklin from Coyote 93.7 Radio,
just as the sun was beginning to set. All and all a fabulous day and if you missed it, you missed a great time. All that we did in 2019 resulted in a donation of $13,000.00.
We're proud of all our participants, our sponsors and our volunteers - you make this grass roots effort possible. We should all be proud of what we are accomplishing.
2018 was a big year, all of our efforts made for the fourth highest year of fund raising in our history making for donation monies of $13, 634.70 total! We all worked very hard to make this happen, and we are so proud to be partnered with you in this mission.
Big news for 2017, we have now received 501c3 recognition under the name of The Callie Rohr Foundation, Inc. This is a big step for us and one we are very proud of. Monetary donations can now be made directly to us. Our mission continues to raise monies and awareness to the problem of pediatric brain cancer. Our monies are donated to research facilities working toward a cure.
The 2017 race is in the books now and everyone had a great time. It was a great weather day with blue skies, sunshine and some breeze. The water was the highest we've ever had, so paddling was really good!!! We started race day just like always with a crepe breakfast. Thanks to the Conover Lions Club for providing breakfast for us again this year, and a big thanks to Nick for coordinating it all. Due to the high water the boat handlers had a big job keeping those race heats in line, but it all went well and everyone started just great. Volunteers were on hand at River Road to help paddlers out of their boats, get their boat up to the staging area and ready to give them lunch. After the major race was over it was time to step off Paddle for a Cure. Channel 12 WJFW and Channel 7 WSAW and Coyote Radio 93.7 paddled for the title "Fastest Media on the Water". Channel 12 WJFW's Ben Meyer and Geoff Weller took the title. It was fun for all and there were some wet media paddlers when they came back to RWT. We enjoyed having them with us and hope they will be back next year. Then it was time for a party - Pig Roast, Music, Refreshments, Awards and a live auction - what more could you want. Thanks to all who make our pig roast possible;the farmer, the men who transport the hog to be processed, the processor, the trailer rental to transport,and finally the volunteers who bring the hog to Wisconsin. Jim Franklin from Coyote 93.7 hosted our auction and did a great job. We had a bit of rain in the evening, but that didn't stop us, we were under cover in the party pavillion. A big thank you to all our sponsors, our volunteers and our paddlers; without each and every one of you this event could not be what it is.
Join us on Facebook, become a friend, invite others to join us, leave some pictures and tell everyone how much fun you had!
One person said it, another repeated and it just keeps going around -
A big Thank You to all of our sponsors! An enormous Thank You to all our volunteers - without you this event couldn't be what it is!
5230 Razorback Road * Conover, WI 54519
715-547-3639 * Cell 715-617-1870
Become a 2024 Race Sponsor, be a part of "Paddle for a Cure" and help "Make a Difference"!
"Don't come if you don't want to have fun!"
Need more information, please contact us! We'd love to have you be a part of this wonderful event.
No one needs to wish they could participate, we have a place for everyone.
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